Redós de sant Josep i Sant Pere - en
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Find out about the "Indians" of Ribes
The Redós de Sant Josep i Sant Pere was built between 1901 and 1905 by the architect Josep Font i Gumà, thanks to a donation made by brothers Josep and Pere Jacas i Planes, "Americanos" who made their fortune in Cuba.
In 1899, the Redós de Sant Josep i Sant Pere Institution was created, the regulations were approved and it was decided that it would be managed by a board of trustees.
The foundation stone of the building was laid during the celebrations of the Patronal Festival of St. Peter in 1901 and the auxiliary bishop of Barcelona blessed the completion of the works on 30 June 1905. The nursing home/hospital was managed by the Darderes Sisters until 2005.
In 1947 the building was extended, based on a project by the architect Josep Brugal i Fortuny.
Building description:
Architectural complex built in the middle of a garden covering an entire block in Sant Pere de Ribes town centre, on the streets Carrer Doctor Marañón, Carrer Josep Pere Jacas, Carrer Joan Maragall and Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret.
The main building consists of a ground floor, two storeys and an upper storey, and is made up of three sections. The central section is taller with a gable roof and stands out from the other two. This section has a moulded flat-arched doorway, above which is a sculpted stone tympanum with a figure embracing the papal coats of arms and banners with the inscription: “REDOS DE ST JOSEPH Y ST PERE / ANY 1901”, surrounded by floral ornamentation. Above the tympanum there are three groups of three openings of different types, leading to the stone cross that crowns the building. The side sections have a window on the ground floor and a twin window with ceramic ornamentation on the upper floor. The level under the roof is open with small ceramic porticoes. On either side of the main building there is another building of the same height as the side sections of the main building. They have a gable roof with the ridge parallel to the façade and perpendicular to the central section, forming a "T" shape and, like the rest of the complex, they are built according to a marked symmetry.
The west building has openings of the ground floor and the first floor all made of flat stone arches with a small ogee incision and ceramic jambs. These are separated from the ceramic diminished arches of the upper level by an imbrication. A rectangular tower crowned with ceramic stepped merlons protrudes from the rear.
The east building has ceramic three-light openings with a mixtilinear profile on the façade, and ceramic mixtilinear arches on the rest of the walls. A rectangular chapel is located on the north side of the complex, to which sections were added at a later date. All the buildings converge in a central courtyard or cloister bordered by ceramic diminished arches, where there is a notable well featuring a wrought-iron structure. The following phrases are inscribed on the arches: “Sens caritat no sabs amar” (“Without charity you cannot love”), “Si no pots donar desitja donar” (“If you cannot give, desire to give”), “Qui es en caritat es en gracia de Deu" (“Who is in charity is in the grace of God”) and "Tanta caritat pots haver com pots voler" (“You can have as much charity as you can love”).
Inside the building, some of the original ceilings, painted with floral ornamentation, and the mosaic floor have been preserved. The facing of the walls is of common exposed masonry, with ceramic cornices and frames and stone quoins and plinths imitating ashlars. The property is enclosed by a surrounding wall with one entrance to the west and another to the north. A modern extension of the nursing home has been built on the east side.
Josep i Pere Jacas
Josep Font i Gumà
2 Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret
Josep and Pere Jacas Foundation